7th and 8th Grades

We started out the year by reviewing the lab rules and brushing up on our keyboarding skills. Students also explored their school gmail accounts. Seventh and eighth graders took their first typing test (graded only on accuracy) during the last week of September. After their test, the Keyboarding Expectations letter was sent home. At the beginning of October, there was a two week break from computer as the lab was used for MAP testing. Eighth graders also completed a Respecting the Flag poster. After Christmas all students created a Catholic Schools Week thank you card. Seventh and Eighth graders wrapped up a Prezi project on hunger.  Both classes also completed a Microsoft Word unit. Eighth graders then worked on a surrealism project. In April, there was a two week break from computer classes for spring MAP testing.  Projects completed this year were on display during the Art & Tech Fair on May 10th. We hope you were able to attend! We finished out the year with a unit on copyright. During our last computer class we focused on Internet Safety.

7th and 8th Grade Hunger Prezis
7th-8th Hunger Prezi links.pdf 7th-8th Hunger Prezi links.pdf
Size : 379.489 Kb
Type : pdf

Your student should have brought the  Computer Lab Behavior Contract home for you to sign and return.  

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